Well hello there 2021

What a crazy year we just survived.

And how uneventfully it ended. I feel like everyone thought that when 2020 came to a close, someone would ghostbust all the bad juju and the skies would clear up, the world would heal. And maybe that’s the problem with the world right now. We have everything at our fingertips. We can change things in an instant. So we expect change the minute we think it up. It’s not how it’s ever worked. Who knows if humanity can eventually be programmed then maybe there’ll be a switch we can flip to change minds, but, that would present a whole different set of problems.

I don’t know if I care less, or less things bug me the way they used to but the landscape of what I do and how I do it and who I do it for has changed so much in my lifetime. I’ve been trying to keep up, that used to be the way to stay on top. But thankfully, there’s room to be me. Somewhere in the madness of the shift this world has taken, self love has found a place to shine. Maybe we are at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, more likely I was born into privilege even though I can’t stop looking at those more privileged than myself.

I want to go deeper into this but I really started this post to tell you, actually, to THANK you for being here. If anyone’s here. Thank you for reading my words. My heart. For listening to my music. For literally helping me survive. I don’t know if you’re aware that you’ve done that. But you have. And I’m grateful. I’m ready to shift my ass back into gear and make more music. I’m not as afraid anymore as I used to be. I’ll follow the white rabbit and I’ll for sure enjoy the ride. Starting my Patreon page in a few weeks. Started streaming on Twitch again. I’ll see you there some time. In the meantime, if 2020 or the years prior kicked your butt, you’re in good company. Here for u.
